(Top 100)

Flash Art recently did a top 100 galleries in the world. We don’t have the carbon footprint to make a confident global list, but we can certainly do one for NY. It may be wrong, but it is informed.

Here is the 2015 edition, the first and perhaps the last.


The Top 100 is simply the rated galleries and spaces from the Gallery List.

OK not exactly 100 as a result, but close enough.

Links, addresses etc. weren’t bothered with, but are all on the List.

Some are less regular (ie have a “~”). We like those, so included them.

If a gallery has multiple top-level spaces; they are included in brackets [ ].

Some non-profits snuck in. But not museums. Except a couple that have a bit of a gallery vibe.

(Approx) top 10 indicated with a +.

The top-rated designation changes almost every week, so there’s a lot of flux. Next years’s will be somewhat different. Except there probably won’t be one.

The purpose? It’s that time of year. And most of the work was already done, just cut and paste. Ultimately a shout out to several great spaces that sometimes get overlooked.